sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012


In class Jesus asked us what we though that is the intention of the film, in that moment we all said that was about violence, relationships, friendship, and about stay your ground, defend what you like and never run away unless it's to fight tomorrow.
Jesus said that it's about more than this, yeah I don't thing that it's about hooligangs or gangs, this is only the wrapping, I think that the main purpose of this film is to open our eyes, because sometimes we think that the violence is a thing that violence is far far ago, even when it's in our town.
But this film shows that all of us can be violent, if someone or something presses us in that way. We have to understand that there're real dangers in our violent films, in letting everybody a weapon if they want to...
I think that with this film and with the tragic murders in the USA school we all have to change our mind, stop thinking that only the fools and the people with mental problems are violent and change the things, starting with the education in violence and the weapons legislation.

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